Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Love you, Mom!!!

The only one woman I trust a long my life time has just been my mother. She gave me everything she could share - even though she got nothing for her own. Her kids are priority.

Her loyalty to a husband she loved is the greatest thing I've ever seen as long as my life time. When a man was hard to handle the family, she took over; and she did it so well; so gently; so tenderly.

She's the best. And, I've never seen a girl like her yet. Though, I hope it.

If I saw her, then I stared at the wild wild world, I'll find a large difference. I felt sad while seeing on the world, meanwhile I felt that I lived in an utopia land whenever I was near her.

She has always given all her love to me, though there's a quite long distance between us. She really believes me.

It taught me that there's no space for love, for a true love.

I love you, Mom! And, may Almighty God bless you! Paradise for you! Amiin!

There's a shadow scaring me on the wall
There's a sound vibrating my heart to fall

Then you just give me a call

Healing me with your attention all

PS: Dedicated to my beloved mom: Mardiaty Marhaban