Thursday, July 9, 2009


Many factors will determine business success. One of them is the confidence of business owners. Frequently, a businessman will give up to carry his business on because of loosing a faith; loosing his self-confidence.

It will be probably acceptable as a human being, but it's completely forbidden in business - whatever the kind of business you are creating. The impact is unacceptable. Why? Because you've lost a lot of money to build your business? It's right maybe. But, the worst impact you will take by stopping your business, is to loose the biggest chance(s) you might have. Many people say, "A chance will not come twice." It may be right.

So, never let your biggest idea(s) hung away in dreams without any realization! But, how to establish your confidence to carry your business on? That's the matter.

Here, we're going to find the solution out.

Each business has its own characteristics, of course - depending on what kind of business it is. Take an example that you have a culinary business! And..., you've already had a restaurant. But, in early days you open the restaurant, you've got a few customers only. Your capital is not paid back. It's loss. Then, you will be stressed.

Stress is a big factor to loose the faith or confidence. But, you may not loose your confidence. One important thing you should plant in your head is

to accept your loss

"Why should I do it?" you'll ask about it maybe. You have to do so, because it will make you feel better. Believe me! And, the reason you can use to reach the logic is

to take it as a good lesson/experience which will lead you into your success someday

It sounds easy, isn't it? But, it's quite hard to do. You have to learn it, and train yourself for it.


  1. seperti kata mas bener banget..
    kesuksesan juga diawali oleh kita percaya pada suatu hal/peluang bisnis..
    dan juga perlu kepercayaan diri kita dapat suksesa dan menjalankan bisnis itu..
    perlu juga kepercayaan diri buat presentasi suatu produk..
    kepercayaan diri perlu kita asah terus menerus..
    keep posting mas^^

  2. Trims sudah komentar, ya!

    Kuncinya memang benar tuh ada di PD dan konsistensi berusaha/berlatih.


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