C++ is related to C language. It's a kind of programming language, which was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in Bell Laboratory at 1983. C++ was created approximately ten years after C. C itself was created by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie at 1972.
At the beginning, C++ was being called "a better C." Then, Rick Mascitti gave the name "C++" in the summer of 1983.
C++ is based on C, because of the portability of C language. C can be used and applied on many machines - started from PC to mainframe. It's also compatible to the popular OS (Operating Systems), such as DOS, MS Windows, UNIX, Linux, VMS, and so on. The library in C language is also used in C++.
C++ is capable to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). It makes C++ special to be learnt by programmers. But, it's not pure OOP. It's just a hybrid language.
The reason of C++ existence is to enlarge programmers' creativity and productivity in making and also developing various applications. C++ is capable to minimize the complexity of making an application, esp. a large application (more than 10,000 lines/rows). The using of C++ language can double a programmer's productivity, than using of other languages; such as C, Basic, and Pascal. It's caused by the reusability of C++.
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