Sunday, December 27, 2009


Function is a base of C++ program arrangement. So, it will always be exist in C++ program. At least, you'll have one function in your C++ program. This essential function is called as "function main."

void main()
        cout << "Welcome to C++";
In the program above, main is the name of the function. Meanwhile, void is a statement to state that the function has no return value.

Everything shown from "{" to "}" is called as block. "{" is to show the beginning of the program, and "}" is to show the end of the program.

The character "(" and ")" are used to fill the argument of function main. In the example above, the () is empty. It means that the function main has no argument.



void main()
         cout << "Welcome to C++";
#include is used to command the compiler to use the file "iostream.h"

iostream.h is a header file which is already installed inside the compiler. iostream.h is needed inside the program above, because the block ( marked by "{" and "}" ) uses cout.  

cout itself is used to out: Welcome to C++ on the screen as the standard output of C++ compiler.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Below is one example of C++ program.


void main()
         cout << "Welcome to C++";

The program is so simple, but it's ready to run in a C++ editor/compiler, such as Borland C++, Visual C++, Microsoft C/C++, Turbo C++, etc.

The program above will appear: Welcome to C++ as the output on the computer screen.

Friday, December 25, 2009


The main concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is to combine data(s) and function(s). We can imagine an object as a department in a university. There are lots of departments in a university. It means: there are lots of objects.

Each department has its own function. Electrical engineering dept. has the objective to produce electrical engineering scholars. Meanwhile, accounting department has to produce accounting scholars. But, both have the same mission. It's to reach university's vision, such as to form good generations.

If a department wants to reach its objectives, it must have a workplan and executors (who will execute the plans). In OOP, it means: an object must have data (instant variables) and function (methods).

In OOP, a university can be analogized as a "class," because class - itself - means: the unit of several objects. So, we can draw the relationship among data; function; object; and class such the graphic below.

OOP has the characteristics below:
  1. Encapsulation means that data and function have the same position in an object. Usually, data is treated as the second component - after the function.
  2. Inheritance means that a class' characteristic can also be generated to another class. If a whale has a large size, the other whales can also have the large size.
  3. Polymorphism means that one thing is possible to have more than one form. Water is possible to be solid, fluid, or gas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Oleh: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A.

Kali pertama ku lihat itu mata, ku yakin ku suka
Lebih lama lagi..., ternyata ku masih sama
Menahun menyimpan rasa, tanpa terasa
Namun tetap ku percaya, 'kan jadi nyata akhirnya

Ku lihat pantai hingga cakrawala
Menjangkau pandang hingga adanya
Ku terawang balik gunung di sana
Melompatkan jauh ku punya jiwa

Dalam malam ku impikan hadirnya
Engkau tersenyum pun tertawa
Fantasi buncahkan asa
Gapai lebihi dunia nyata

Anganku terus bertanya-tanya
Apakah berhasil ku punya usaha?
Adakah dia suka?
Akankah angan jadi nyata?

Janjiku tetap ada
Kesungguhan masih tercipta
Lemah hanya karena tak percaya
Mengapa tiada dia bertanya bila dia suka?

Malang, December 24th 2009


C++ is related to C language. It's a kind of programming language, which was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in Bell Laboratory at 1983. C++ was created approximately ten years after C. C itself was created by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie at 1972.

At the beginning, C++ was being called "a better C." Then, Rick Mascitti gave the name "C++" in the summer of 1983.

C++ is based on C, because of the portability of C language. C can be used and applied on many machines - started from PC to mainframe. It's also compatible to the popular OS (Operating Systems), such as DOS, MS Windows, UNIX, Linux, VMS, and so on. The library in C language is also used in C++.

C++ is capable to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). It makes C++ special to be learnt by programmers. But, it's not pure OOP. It's just a hybrid language.

The reason of C++ existence is to enlarge programmers' creativity and productivity in making and also developing various applications. C++ is capable to minimize the complexity of making an application, esp. a large application (more than 10,000 lines/rows). The using of C++ language can double a programmer's productivity, than using of other languages; such as C, Basic, and Pascal. It's caused by the reusability of C++.

Friday, December 18, 2009


By: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A.

Morning is started by a warming light
The grasses are still wet by the dew last night
Birds start singing as my ears listening them right
And the air gives us freshness it might

Your skin spreads soap's well perfume tight
A cassava, a cup off coffee fill your stomach right
Your steps shake the woody floor as your sharp sight
Tell the world whether you are ready to fight

You will come home at the depth of night
When everybody's lying on the bed right
But you can still share the smile light
As touching as your steps and sight

Your dedication is right
The schedule is said too tight
But it earns the strong light
How can I be like you to fight?

Malang, December 18th 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Oleh: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A.

Betapa berat bebanmu menanggung manusia
Mereka hanya memikirkan diri seorang saja
Yang mereka bilang benar hanyalah pura-pura
Padahal merekalah bandit sesungguhnya
Bak orang terzalimi lagaknya
Memedih pilu omongannya
Merendah sendu dia punya nada
Bermuram durja ia di depan semua

Mereka berlagak mengerti
Mereka seolah peduli
Mereka kira yang paling punya hati
Namun sekali lagi: mereka hanya pikir diri sendiri

Mereka itu durjana
Tak tahu balas jasa
Tak pikir sekelilingnya
Asal dia perlu terpenuhi semua

Tak pantas banyak bermanis kata pada mereka
Berujar pedas sudahlah sepantasnya
Agar kita tegar tahu mereka
Biar kita tak dipandang remeh olehnya
Supaya tak seenaknya lain ketika

Ini hari kata menembus hati
Kalimat langsung tak mengenal basa-basi
Biarlah segala itu terjadi
Tiada yang perlu disesali

Kadang mereka tertawa
Melempar ejekan pada pembela

Biarkanlah itu!
Biar sajalah mereka begitu!
Mereka tiada menahu
Hanya segerombolan penipu
Yang sama buruknya dengan benalu
Saat beroleh peluang di balik punggungmu

Mereka tak peduli menimpakan wajahmu dengan plastik
Yang penting wajahnya tetap tampak cantik
Tak tahu cara menyiram taik
Apalagi menanam lagi apa yang telah mereka petik

Dunia yang pilu!
Walau lelah kau memberi tahu
Janganlah pernah meragu!
Hibur sajalah dirimu!
Dengarkan lagu-lagu merdu!

Dunia yang semrawut!
Pada pundakmu harap masih bergelayut
Selamat masih akan menyambut
Walau air kehidupan terasa kecut
Kau tak akan jadi pengecut
Tak akan ikut mereka minum kamput

Malang, 15 Desember 2009


By: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A.

My face seems sad
My eyes are red
My tongue says bad
My ears are sped

My hands are landed
My feet step mad
I need to go to bed
Lying on dreams I had

Malang, December 15th 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009


By: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A.

You smile on me
You talk nice to everybody
You laugh as everyone is happy
You joke like no matter to be

But... where are your words when they're needed?
Where is the promise while it should be executed?
Are they down just by a hit?
Is it so hard to meet?

You walk down the street like an actor
Turn around spreading your well odour
Pretend to give me some favor
Talk to ones like Mr. Governor

But... the steps have too many doubts
The turn breaks somebody's hopes
The pretenders can't deliver cups of soups
The talk just ties people with ropes

I waited for your change
Someday ago I saw a glance
But I was just tired sitting on a bench
Now it's hard to believe whether you'll have a sense

Malang, December 13th 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Lie is a very very bad effort to reach something we want. But, we often did it because of several reasons.

But..., in business world it's not allowed. It's completely forbidden. Why?

Try to imagine whether you lie to somebody you owe! You don't pay the money you should give. Then, someday you will borrow his/her money again. Do you think that he/she will lend you the money again? I don't think so, Mate.

Nah! The same thing can also be happened if we trick our customers. As a good seller, we may not do that, if we don't want to lose our store's visitors.

In  many cases, businessmen or entrepreneurs did a lie to their customers without being realized. They gave an advertisement which trapped the customers in a wrong perception. It's a big mistake.

For the example, Mr. X promotes the new beverage of his restaurant. He wrote in a giant billboard, "FOR 50 CENTS, YOU CAN FEEL THE FRESH"

Then, an old man comes to his restaurant. He is a beggar, thirsty, and he has only 50 cents on his hand. But actually, a glass of the beverage is priced for 55 cents, because of 10 % tax. The old man becomes disappointed then. He just walks out the restaurant within his eyes staring on the floor, because he's failed to feel the fresh like displayed on the billboard.

Perhaps, we will be sad in seeing such situation - other side, we don't blame Mr. X.

But actually, Mr. X's advertisement should explain whole price "clearly" that a customer should pay. Even though it's a simple matter; if we stand as the old man, we'll feel cheated of course - because we could not get what we had planned. We made a plan as far as we knew.

So, do we think that the old man will come again to the same restaurant someday???

Mr. X is hopping the big income from his advertisement, but in other side he potentially cheats the customers. It will be meant: he can damage his business.

PS: A good information is something clear to see.


What is the public's enemy no. 1? Is there someone of you who can guess it?
Yes! If you answer "corruption", it's going to be right.


Here are the reasons why we can tell corruption as public's enemy no. 1.

Corruption is amoral attitude - while we see it from positive law, even from religious view. A grafter will be seen as a villain in the eyes of most people.

Corruption is similar to stealing other people's rights. So, it will give the disadvantages to some people surely.

Corruption is not only able to damage one side, but also many sides. It can break social structure and system. It brings domino's effect in a long period. So, it potentially makes society collapsed. Many countries or nations had ever felt this situation.

Corruption will not break physical structures only, but also mental structures. In a corrupt country, the judges; police; and other law enforcement agents, have a big potency to be dishonest, non-dedicated persons. If there's no leader to be trusted, people will act as they like (in law or not).

A corrupt country will lose its legitimation. If this situation's happened to the government or executive side, step by step the country will be collapsed.

Corruption take the chances of a nation to develop and to raise, because in a corrupt government; there are no free education, health care, or other basic needs for citizens.

However, corruption will attack the actors at last - soon or later. If you do the right thing, it will come to you; and vice verse. Take a look around the grafter's hood or family! Is it good - in a real meaning?

So, will we still be interested to be corrupt persons?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Love you, Mom!!!

The only one woman I trust a long my life time has just been my mother. She gave me everything she could share - even though she got nothing for her own. Her kids are priority.

Her loyalty to a husband she loved is the greatest thing I've ever seen as long as my life time. When a man was hard to handle the family, she took over; and she did it so well; so gently; so tenderly.

She's the best. And, I've never seen a girl like her yet. Though, I hope it.

If I saw her, then I stared at the wild wild world, I'll find a large difference. I felt sad while seeing on the world, meanwhile I felt that I lived in an utopia land whenever I was near her.

She has always given all her love to me, though there's a quite long distance between us. She really believes me.

It taught me that there's no space for love, for a true love.

I love you, Mom! And, may Almighty God bless you! Paradise for you! Amiin!

There's a shadow scaring me on the wall
There's a sound vibrating my heart to fall

Then you just give me a call

Healing me with your attention all

PS: Dedicated to my beloved mom: Mardiaty Marhaban

Saturday, October 24, 2009


For so long time I had not written something in this blog. Then, I was reminded that writing is quite important. Why is it so necessary?

  • First: Writing can be the media for us to express what we feel, what we think. So..., it's really good to prevent stress' attack - or even - to overcome it.
  • Second: Writing can enlarge our knowledge, because it will motivate and stimulate us to learn something new - according to our writings' themes. We'll always need a reference.
  • Third: Here is where the charity side comes. When we're writing something, we'll probably share useful things to others - worldwide in the internet.
The three main reasons gave me enough motivation to keep writing. How about you?

PS: Money can be spent, knowledge is to the end.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


It's been a long time since the last time I wrote something in this blog. Yeah...! This month is my vacation in my hometown. Not the fasting which has been weighing me in writing, but... I just wanted to enjoy my holiday - after two years without coming home.

Now, in the end of Ramadan: to fetch the first of Syawal, I'd like to say,
"Minal aidin wal faidzin! Forgive me from the deep in!"

"Happy Idul Fitri 1430 H!"

Monday, September 7, 2009


By: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A.

When you don't know what to do
will you turn in two?

When everything goes wrong
which do you prefer in among?
will you keep in strong?

When there's no one you can rely on
who will you depend upon?
which way will you carry on?
where will you bring your own?

Medan, September 7th 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009


Indonesia's archipelago consists of many islands. Five main islands are Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. Beside those islands, there are lots of small islands - included Anambas Islands.

Anambas Islands are lied on the South of South China Sea between Malayan Peninsula (West) and Kalimantan (Borneo) island (East).

In the past, these islands are the territory of Natuna Residence (Indonesia), but today they already have their own autonomy - which is called as Anambas Residence.

Anambas Residence has a capital named as Tarempa. Tarempa city is looked beautiful from several pictures. Here is a view of this city:

I have a native friend come from that place. She said that Tarempa - long time ago - named as Terempa. But, the pronounce then changed the name, so it's called as Tarempa today. I still do not know what the meaning of this "Tarempa" is.

She also said that this city has a lot of variation of cookies. They are so delicious.

The main tribe who lives in Tarempa and Anambas Islands, is Malayan - like the most citizens of Kep. Riau Province & Riau Province.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Inter Milan won Derby della Madoninna against AC Milan in Giuseppe Meazza Stadium at August 29th 2009. It's a record while Inter succeeded to beat Milan last night within 4 goals; without any goal Milan could make. Jose Mourinho's squad would be so glad by this win over Leonardo's side.

Milan's goal kept by Storari was conceded by Thiago Motta, Diego Milito, Douglas Maicon, and Dejan Stankovic. The two Inter's new players (Motta & Milito) did their job well. Meanwhile, Maicon and Stankovic performed superb moves. Samuel Eto'o, the new striker bought from Barcelona, did a great job too, though he failed to make a goal. He succeeded to be a destroyer in order to break Milan's defenders' concentration.

Stankovic himself made a spectacular goal. It was done in a far range: a long distance goal. The ball was kicked by him then placed in the upper left corner of Storari's goal.

After being conceded 4 goals, San Siro was left by many Milanisti. They're completely disappointed for the team's lose. They walked out of the venue before the referee blew the wishtle.

However, it's a great success by Internazionale to beat its fierce rival 4-0. Especially, It's done when Milan was a host. And, it's a great moment that Inter has just begun 2009/2010 season with a good start.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Setiap orang berharap agar dirinya mendapatkan cinta sejati: pasangan yang sungguh-sungguh menyayanginya, setia padanya, dan jujur padanya. Terlebih-lebih perempuan: mereka amat mendambakan sosok pria yang perfect.

Namun, dalam kenyataan perempuan sering merasa salah pilih. Yang didapat justru seorang playboy - yang selama ini hanya memanfaatkan dirinya.

"Padahal aku sudah berikan semuanya padanya: hatiku, cintaku, harapanku, bahkan kesucianku. Tapi..., kini ku ditinggalnya begitu saja. Dia pergi dengan cewek lain setelah puas dan bosan denganku." Terlalu sering kita dengar curahan hati yang seperti ini. Yang dirasakan memang hanya penyesalan.

Seorang perempuan biasanya akan hancur setelah mengalami semua hal seperti itu - terlebih-lebih karena ia telah kehilangan kehormatannya, yang selama ini ia jaga dan hanya akan ia berikan kepada orang yang ia percaya/suami.

Lalu..., apakah benar "Sang Penjahat" adalah si lelaki? May... (May be yes & may be no)

Bisa saja hal seperti itu terjadi karena si perempuan sama bejat/rusak-nya dengan si lelaki. Ingat: "Pria baik-baik hanya untuk perempuan baik-baik, dan sebaliknya."
Perempuan - terutama yang beredar pada masa kini - cenderung banyak salah jalan alias salah pilih. Mereka mengidam-idamkan seorang lelaki yang perfect (ganteng, macho, kaya, baik hati, setia, mapan, bertanggung jawab, dll.), namun cenderung memilih kriteria mapan/kaya sebagai alat untuk mengambil keputusan.

Contoh kasus:

Seorang wanita super cantik nan banyak jadi idola; bernama Sisi, disukai oleh cowok bernama Andi. Si Andi sungguh-sungguh dan tulus mencintai Sisi. (
Wong dikejar terus sampai bertahun-tahun, sampai harga dirinya hilang di hadapan teman-teman. He, he, he...!)

Ternyata eh... ternyata, Sisi memilih cowok lain (Sebut saja: Cobin!) karena dia lebih
tajir. Cobin. Kalau apel, bawaannya Mercy S-Class keluaran terbaru. Kalau makan, perginya ke restoran sushi. Kalau belanja, nggak tanggung-tanggung: Si Sisi dibelikan barang satu toko. Bapaknya pejabat teras salah satu BUMN ternama - walau mungkin sedang diperiksa KPK karena kasus korupsi. Kuliahnya di universitas mentereng - fakultas kedokteran pula.

Semua itu dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh Cobin untuk menggaet Sisi. Dan ia berhasil.
Sisi merasa sudah memilih pasangan yang pas buatnya. Walaupun Cobin tak begitu tampan alias biasa-biasa saja (atau mungkin malah pas-pasan), Sisi percaya bahwa Cobin lah soulmate-nya; orang yang bakal bersedia menjadi suaminya; dan calon bapak dari anak-anaknya - yang bisa ia bangga-banggakan pada keluarga dan teman.

Waktu pun berlalu. Mereka berdua (Sisi & Cobin) sudah sangat dekat - bak pasutri. Sisi hamil ternyata. Ia panik, tapi berharap sangat bahwa Cobin akan bertanggung jawab: segera menikahinya. Sayang seribu sayang, setelah melontarkan beribu janji manis, Cobin menghilang ditelan bumi. Batang hidungnya tak lagi tampak.! Giliran nongol, dia sudah bersama "gandengan baru" yang lebih aduhai.

Sisi kecewa bukan kepalang. Ia stres berat. Ingin saja rasanya bunuh diri. Lalu, ia ingat akan Andi - yang dulu ia acuhkan, ejek, hina, dan campakkan. (Padahal, Andi tampan dan baik hati - cerdas pula. Kekurangannya hanya dari sisi materi.)

Namun..., nasi sudah jadi bubur bagi Sisi. Ia tak berani lagi mengharapkan Andi.
Tinggallah ia merana seorang diri.

Contoh kasus lagi:

Ada seorang kembang desa yang luar biasa ayu. "Uaaayuuu polll, Rek!" kata orang Surabaya. Cewek ini berharap akan ada seorang pria
perfect yang datang "menjemputnya." Semua lelaki yang berniat baik (datang melamarnya), ia tolak mentah-mentah. Padahal, ada seorang lelaki tampan, pintar, berbakat, dan baik hati di antara para pelamar itu - yang tulus mencintainya. Lelaki itu "tak cukup" baginya.

Asanya yang tinggi akhirnya benar membawanya kepada seorang pria tampan, gagah, bangsawan, dan kaya. Ia pun menikah dengan pria tersebut.

Tahun demi tahun berlalu. Mereka belum juga dikarunia seorang anak. Rumah tangga mereka mulai dicekoki dengan pertengkaran - hingga suaranya mengganggu para tetangga. KDRT yang kerap dilakukan oleh sang suami pada saat mereka berselisih, membuat Si Eks Kembang Desa memilih bercerai. Si lelaki perfect itu ternyata tak benar-benar mencintainya. Ia tak bertanggung jawab atas cinta yang pernah dulu ia ikrarkan.

Kemudian, sempat pula Eks Kembang Desa bertemu dengan salah seorang penggemar lamanya. Pria yang pernah sungguh mencintainya ini, rupanya masih mengharapkannya. Sayang, ia sudah berkeluarga.

Namun, mereka (Eks Kembang Desa & Eks Penggemar) tetap nekad kawin/bernikah diam-diam.
Lambat laun..., petualangan penuh aral bahaya yang nekad mereka lalui, akhirnya berakhir juga. Faktor penentangan dari keluarga Eks Kembang Desa dan istri Eks Penggemar, ditenggarai menjadi penyebab perpisahan mereka.

Si Eks Kembang Desa kembali sendiri. Dan..., kini di usianya yang telah lanjut dirinya mulai sakit parah. Gagal ginjal mendera - yang membuatnya terpaksa pulang pergi Padang-Batusangkar untuk berobat. Gaji pensiunnya banyak habis untuk berobat.

Sementara itu, rumahnya yang besar terpaksa ia tinggalkan, sebab tak ada yang menemaninya lagi di sana: tak ada anak; tak ada suami di hari tuanya.

Dengan tetesan air mata, terpaksa ia menuju ke panti jompo.

Contoh kasus satu lagi:

Saya punya seorang dosen perempuan. Sebut saja Bu NAM!
Bu NAM masih saja single alias belum berkeluarga di usianya yang sudah lanjut. Padahal, kalau diperhatikan dengan seksama, masih tersisa garis-garis kecantikan - masa muda - pada wajahnya.

Nah! Menurut cerita: rupanya dia ini - kemungkinan - terlalu pilih-pilih dalam mengambil pasangan - sehingga tanpa terasa waktu menggerus usianya.

Saya pikir alasan itu masuk akal. Terlihat dari keseharian Bu NAM di kampus. Ia cenderung terlalu
perfectionist: suka cari-cari kekurangan orang lain. Dengan statusnya yang berpendidikan tinggi (sudah S2), mungkin saja Bu NAM mengharapkan seorang pria eksklusif - ketika itu.

Namun sekarang, usianya sudah terlalu tua. Kepala empat - bahkan lima - mungkin. Jika saya amati, dia kemungkinan besar sudah memasuki usia
menopause - di mana tidak mungkin lagi seorang wanita untuk melahirkan. (Kecuali Tuhan memberikan keajaiban.)

Kini... wajahnya tampak sering murung bila sendiri, dan cenderung sangar - sehingga ia menjadi dosen killer di kalangan mahasiswa elektro.

Eh..., ada lagi contoh kasusnya:

Saya mengenal seorang tante. Sebut saja: IK!

IK pada usia mudanya dulu mengidamkan seorang suami yang mapan. Terlebih, selama ini ia hidup menderita, karena dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang susah.

Ia tergolong cantik - sehingga banyak "kumbang" yang berusaha untuk mendekatinya. Tersebutlah ada seorang pemuda keturunan Arab yang menaksir IK. Ia cinta mati pada IK. (Bahkan, hingga akhir hanyatnya - menurut penuturan IK - Si Arab tidak menikah demi IK.)

Sayangnya, IK tidak sudi menerima Si Arab. Padahal pemuda ini tampan, dan punya usaha mandiri. IK lebih memilih menerima pinangan dari seorang pegawai PT POS - yang kalah tampan dibandingkan Si Arab - namun memiliki jaminan hidup yang lebih baik (menurutnya).

Mungkin dalam pemikiran IK: pegawai negeri; anggota TNI/Polri; atau pegawai kantoran lebih memiliki masa depan yang cerah - terutama dengan adanya jaminan hari tua, yakni berupa uang pensiun.

Namun, setelah tahun demi tahun berjalan, yang terjadi justru di luar dugaan IK. Uang pensiun suaminya - yang lebih tua 10 tahun darinya - sama sekali tak cukup untuk memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan keluarga: ia; suami; dan dua anak. Terpaksa, ia berjualan bakso di pasar Kepanjen - Kab. Malang.

Ia rintis dan lakukan itu sendiri, mengingat suaminya tengah sakit-sakitan kala itu.

Akhirnya..., jauh panggang dari api. Niatnya dulu yang hendak hidup enak; dan mudah, kini malah berkebalikan. Saat suaminya pensiun, ia justru harus repot-repot jadi tulang punggung keluarga.

Namun, yang saya herankan: visi materialis-nya masih belum juga berubah setelah pengalaman itu. Ck, ck, ck...!

Tiga kisah terakhir adalah nyata. Sementara kisah pertama adalah semi fiksi alias semi-nyata.

Walau bagaimana pun (nyata atau tidak menurut Anda), fenomena tersebut memang marak di kalangan perempuan. Perhatikan saja! Banyak cewek cantik yang jalan dengan cowok - maaf - jelek, hanya karena dia kaya. Padahal, kemungkinan besar dia hanya mau tubuh itu cewek. (Saya sering mendengar langsung pengakuan seperti itu dari teman-teman cowok yang hanya ingin having fun.)

Sementara..., banyak cowok yang tulus dan berniat baik, dicampakkan; diremehkan; dan diacuhkan begitu saja - hanya karena mereka dianggap tak bermodal oleh para cewek. Padahal tak jarang dari mereka itu yang tampan; cerdas; alim; dan punya track record bagus.

Kenyataan-kenyataan tersebut berulang kali membuktikan bahwa rata-rata cewek menjadikan "materi" sebagai pertimbangan utama untuk memilih cowok/pasangannya. Walaupun alasan fisik/ketampanan; kesetiaan; dan kejujuran, masih dipertimbangan.

Kesimpulannya: meskipun si cowok cakep; setia; sungguh-sungguh; pintar; dan bertanggung jawab, jika dari sisi materi ia mentok/kalah; ia akan ditolak.

Cewek biasanya akan menjadikan masa depan, gengsi, dan jaminan hidup sebagai alasannya menjadi demikian.

Namun..., bagaimana pun juga: bila harapan utama kita adalah cinta, maka cinta yang akan kita dapatkan. Bila harapan utama kita adalah harta (jaminan materi), maka harta pula yang akan kita dapatkan - yang tak jarang membawa banyak perempuan pada rasa kecewa.

Ibarat kata pepatah, "Siapa menanam, dia akan mengetam."

PS: Wahai Para Perempuan! Janganlah marah pada lelaki - apalagi sampai jadi lesbi - karena Dikau salah pilih! Ingat kata Bang Meggy, "Tidak semua laki-laki..."He, he, he...~! Lelaki baik hanya untuk perempuan baik, dan sebaliknya.

Demi Tuhan, saya paparkan ini untuk Anda, Wahai Para Perempuan - sebagai wujud keprihatinan saya terhadap visi banyak perempuan masa kini. Agar visi itu lurus, agar Anda tak salah pilih, agar Anda tak lagi menyesali diri.

Tak ada niat untuk menjelek-jelekkan orang tertentu. Pelbagai peristiwa hanya merupakan contoh.

Semoga Allah Yang Maha Pengasih memaafkan segala kekurangan saya! Amiin!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


By ‘Ammar Lelo Andiko

On the bright morning I hang my dream
Trying to cross the stream
Facing the beauty of rainbow
Struggling the cold of snow

I breathe the fresh morning air
Touching the softness of dew
Gazing the green of grass
Imaging my dream

I trace my step on the road
Running my dream over the edge
In the name of God
I reach my life’s bagde

I feel the green green leaves
Fallen on my head
Blown by the wind’s waves
Featuring my lead

On the glow of morning’s sun
I’ll keep my run
Arranging my myth
Realizing my faith

Malang, June 28th 2009


By: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko

Wonderful night here you come
Don't you know I miss a home
Where my heart will go blossomed

Ask the moon: will he lighten
While disappointment spread again
Make us down 'till the end

Don't you know where should we go
If a miss tearing us so
Then the love we only know

Malang, July 7th 2009


By: 'Ammar Lelo Andiko

You will always be a disaster
as long as you don't know how to be a lover
You can only be a stranger
if you never look at the other

When will you wake up earlier
while you will be called not as a junker
while you have the ones to care

Remember that I will always be the hater
as far as you are not like a fighter

Malang, August 1st 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Football lovers have already known about Ricardo Kaka' indeed. This Brazilian star is a superb performer on the field. Beside it, he's a complete person, with a complete personality. Can you imagine a big star like him with a humble (low profile) attitude, attractive face and body, religious behavior (for Christians), and big talent in football?

Many people may say that he's almost perfect. Why?

We know how glamor the world of football is - esp. outside the stadium. Many stars could not take responsibilities for their behavior in facing temptations. We know the big stars involved in sex cases, like orgy; adultery; rape, etc. Some of them were also involving themselves in drugs and alcohol abuse.

But not with Kaka'. He has succeeded to keep himself on his track. His former team-mate in AC Milan, Gennaro Gattuso, ever stated that one day he and friends invited Kaka' to celebrate an event such as party, looking around, or something like those (I forget the event), but Kaka' preferred praying at his home to the event.

Many women love Kaka' because of his physical attraction, but he has never been tempted to betray his girl - who is his wife now. Caroline has been always in his heart since the first time he started to love her. He was also informed - by a source - as a virgin until his marriage.

What a good man? What a real man? I think it's so difficult to find guys such him today. So, I also think that in many things we can take Kaka' for a good example for present days.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Salah satu even sepakbola terbesar di jagad ini: Liga Champions Eropa, telah dimulai. Para penggemar bola alias gibol tentu sumringah akan hal ini.

Ya!!! Mulai dini hari ini RCTI menayangkan secara eksklusif Liga Champions Eropa musim 2009/2010. Kebetulan, yang saat ini sedang bertanding adalah Glasgow Celtic (Skotlandia) vs Arsenal (Inggris).

Semua gibol tentunya tak sabar untuk menyaksikan pertandingan ini dan pertandingan-pertandingan seru lainnya. Termasuk saya.

Selamat menyaksikan!


Yahoo! released a news about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart death. This composer - who died in 1791 - were probably killed by streptococcus bacterias. These bacterias were stemming his throat. This report was accorded to Dutch (University of Amsterdam) study which had been released on Monday.

Before..., many things were suspected to become a cause of his death, such as: intentional poisoning; rheumatic fever; trichinosis; and a parasitic disease caused by eating raw or undercooked pork. For further report, please visit this link!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Tujuh belas Agustus enam puluh empat tahun yang lalu bangsa Indonesia memproklamirkan kemerdekaannya - melalui dua tokoh pemuda bangsa: Soekarno-Hatta. Selama enam puluh empat tahun itu apa yang sudah didapat dan diraih oleh bangsa ini?

Sekedar kilas balik, Indonesia lepas dari belenggu penjajahan selama 350 tahun yang dilakukan Belanda, setelah Jepang menginvasi Nusantara. Namun, nasib Indonesia selanjutnya bak jatuh dari mulut harimau ke mulut buaya: kita tetap terjajah. Bahkan, menurut penuturan kakek nenek kita, penjajahan Jepang jauh lebih kejam - walau hanya dilakukan dalam 3,5 tahun.

Jepang berhasil dilibas oleh Sekutu beberapa tahun setelah pendudukannya di negara-negara Asia Timur Raya, seperti Indonesia, China, Myanmar, dan Filipina. Jenderal Douglas McArthur menjadi pahlawan bagi pasukan Amerika Serikat di darat. Sementara Laksamana Nimitz berhasil melumpuhkan pasukan Laksamana Yamamoto di Samudera Pasifik. Kekalahan telak Jepang ditandai dengan penjatuhan bom atom di Nagasaki & Hiroshima.

Indonesia memanfaatkan betul kekosongan yang ditinggalkan oleh Jepang yang kalah perang. Para pemuda pun mendorong Soekarno-Hatta untuk segera membacakan teks proklamasi. Indonesia pun merdeka. Jadi..., ini benar-benar suatu berkah yang amat luar biasa yang diberikan oleh Tuhan kepada bangsa Indonesia.

Bayangkan saja! Indonesia tidak pernah benar-benar berhasil mengusir penjajah dari Nusantara. Portugis & Spanyol diusir Belanda. Belanda yang hanya sebuah negara kecil di Eropa - yang bahkan juga tengah dijajah oleh Napoleon, Prancis - hanya mampu diusir oleh Jepang. Jepang pun ditaklukkan oleh Sekutu. Jadi..., kekosongan yang ditinggalkan oleh penguasa dari Jepang, benarlah sebuah rahmat dari Allah SWT.

Itu terbukti dan disadari betul oleh para pejuang kita pada saat itu. Lihat saja apa yang mereka tulis di Preambule UUD 1945!
"Atas berkat rahmat Allah SWT..."
"Atas perjuangan heroik pasukan Indonesia..."
Mengapa bunyinya seperti itu?

Karena kita memang nyaris tak pernah menang perang. Yang dimenangkan oleh Imam Bonjol, Diponegoro, Sultan Hasanuddin, Pattimura dan lain-lain hanyalah pertempuran-pertempuran di tempatnya masing-masing. Secara total, bangsa Indonesia tak pernah mampu mengalahkan penjajah dan mengusir sendiri para imperialis itu. Lihat saja! Belanda - kemudian - selalu berhasil memadamkan perlawanan dari para pahlawan tersebut.

Lalu, apa sebenarnya yang diharapkan oleh Tuhan dari kemerdekaan yang telah Ia anugerahkan kepada kita ini?

Tentu saja kepatuhan dan ketaatan kepada-Nya. Ia ingin melihat sejauh mana bangsa ini bersyukur atas kemerdekaan yang telah Ia berikan.

Namun, apa yang terjadi?

Bangsa ini sepertinya masih belum menyadari keinginan Tuhan tersebut. Masyarakat kita bahkan cenderung kufur nikmat. Lihat saja apa yang terjadi!

  • Pancasila & UUD 1945 dijadikan berhala
  • Kepemimpinan & ketatanegaraan lebih memilih cara-cara sekuler dibandingkan jalan Tuhan - hanya dengan sebuah alasan "kemajemukan"
  • Penguasa-penguasa dikultuskan lebih daripada seorang nabi - bahkan Tuhan
  • Budaya latah/meniru keburukan bangsa lain - yang dianggap sebagai style - terus dipelihara
  • Materialisme lebih diagung-agungkan daripada kejujuran
  • Orang-orang beriman dikhianati dan dimusuhi: dipandang sebelah mata dan dihinakan
  • dll
Lihatlah akibatnya!
  • Indonesia yang terus tertinggal - bahkan oleh negara-negara tetangga yang belakangan merdeka - akibat terlalu sibuk dengan dasar & perundang-undangan yang tak mampu memberikan perlindungan & kesejahteraan kepada masyarakat kecil, dan tak punya kekuatan untuk membasmi koruptor
  • penguasa-penguasa Indonesia yang terus membohongi rakyatnya sendiri
  • perubahan budaya bangsa - yang santun menjadi urakan dan tak berkarakter positif
  • korupsi dan penipuan yang merajalela - demi kekayaan dan kesenangan pribadi
  • tergadainya kekayaan alam bangsa ini kepada bangsa lain
  • bencana alam yang sering terjadi
  • kemiskinan, pengangguran, dan kebodohan yang semakin menjadi
  • pendidikan yang dikomersialisasi
  • dll - yang terlampau banyak untuk dipaparkan.
Semua poin terakhir adalah wujud dari kemurkaan Tuhan terhadap bangsa yang tak tahu untung, yang kufur nikmat. Diberi kekayaan yang melimpah dan kemerdekaan untuk mengelolanya, malah dibalas dengan pengkhianatan: lebih memilih jalan manusia daripada jalan Allah SWT.

Aneh sekali: bangsa yang mayoritas mengaku Islam, lebih sekuler daripada USA dan Turki, lebih liberal daripada Eropa. Ajaran Tuhan hanya berlaku sebatas KTP, dan forum-forum agamis. Bak kata orang, "Shalat iya, korupsi jalan terus..."

Setelah tahu dan mengaku kalau Tuhan lah yang memerdekakan kita, mengapa tidak memilih jalan-Nya???

Apakah memilih jalan lain adalah hal yang logis untuk bersyukur???

Dua pertanyaan tersebut sangat sederhana, namun jawaban logisnya amat sulit dipraktikkan oleh bangsa ini. Kemungkinan besar jawabannya akan sama seperti yang biasa dilontarkan orang, "Kita kan negara majemuk, yang terdiri dari berbagai suku; bangsa; agama; dan golongan. Ya, nggak mungkinlah begitu."

Apa iya tak mungkin??? Atau..., sebenarnya tak mau, takut sama hukum/aturan Tuhan??? Atau menganggap-Nya remeh, omong kosong???

Pantas saja bangsa ini seperti dikutuk terus: dihinakan oleh Tuhan - juga oleh bangsa lain. Dijarah terus, disiksa terus, dijajah terus.
Sampai kapan???

Sampai kita tahu benar dan mau melaksanakan makna kemerdekaan itu.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Saya memperoleh info dari seorang kawan bahwa musim depan RCTI tak akan menayangkan La Liga Primera lagi. Alasannya, siaran La Liga sudah menjadi lebih mahal sehingga - mungkin - RCTI tak lagi mampu untuk membelinya.

Jika memang benar begitu, berarti kita; para gibol; tak akan dapat menyaksikan aksi-aksi dari Kaka', Christiano Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic, dan Karim Benzema untuk musim depan. Sungguh hal yang sangat disayangkan, karena - seperti yang publik ketahui - mereka adalah bintang besar yang meramaikan dan membuat heboh bursa transfer kali ini.


C. Ronaldo ditransfer dari Manchester United dengan nominal gila-gilaan (lebih dari Rp. 1 triliyun) - yang memecahkan rekor transfer termahal sebelumnya: milik Zinedine Zidane saat ditransfer El Real dari Juventus. Sementara Kaka', juga tak kalah mahalnya. Ia dibeli Real Madrid dari AC Milan dengan harga melebihi Rp. 800 miliar.

El Real juga membeli pemain-pemain tenar lainnya, seperti: Karim Benzema (Lyon - Prancis), Raul Albiol (Valencia - Spanyol), dan Xabi Alonso serta Alvaro Arbeloa (Liverpool - Inggris). Kita tahu bahwa pemain-pemain tersebut merupakan bintang di klubnya masing-masing - bahkan di liganya.

Rival abadi El Real, Barcelona, juga meramaikan penarikan pemain-pemain bintang ke liga Spanyol. Tentu, klub yang satu ini tak ingin kalah saing dari pesaingnya. Mereka membeli Zlatan Ibrahimovic dengan harga sekitar 60 juta Euro. Sementara..., kita juga tahu bahwa Ibra merupakan bintang di Serie A Liga Italia dalam beberapa musim terakhir. Ia bahkan menjadi Cappocanieri alias Top Skor pada musim sebelumnya.

Kenyataan tersebut tentu saja membuat Liga Spanyol - khususnya La Liga Primera - menjadi tempat berkumpulnya para bintang besar masa kini sehingga membuatnya akan menjadi magnet utama dalam dunia sepak bola. Kemungkinan besar, La Liga Primera akan menjadi yang terbaik buat musim depan - mengalahkan popularitas liga Inggris dalam beberapa musim terakhir.

Namun, sayang sekali - mengetahui bahwa - para pemirsa TV di Indonesia tak akan lagi dapat menyaksikan aksi-aksi menawan dan terbaik dari para maestro tersebut - hanya karena alasan ekonomi. Hal ini seolah-olah mengulangi peristiwa pada dua musim yang lalu, di mana Liga Primer Inggris tak lagi hadir di layar kaca kita di Indonesia.

Mungkin... solusi terbaik bagi kita adalah berlangganan TV kabel. Bagi anak-anak kos: bisa berembuk dan gotong royong dengan teman-teman untuk membeli dan membayar iuran bulanan dari TV kabel. Bagi warga yang saling bertetangga: bisa berembuk pula dengan tetangganya untuk hal ini. Kalau bisa, adakan rapat RT khusus untuk membahas soal ini! He, he, he! Nanti..., nonton barengnya bisa digelar di pos ronda - sehingga bisa menambah keakraban dan silaturrahim antar warga. He, he, he lagi!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Sepertinya, tahun ini adalah tahun meninggalnya banyak seniman dan olahragawan besar. Setelah Michael Jackson; Sir Bobby Robson; dan Mbah Surip, kini giliran W.S. Rendra yang menyusul. Sastrawan yang dikenal dengan julukan Si Burung Merak ini meninggal dunia pada Kamis, 6 Agustus 2009 pada pukul 22.05 WIB di RS Mitra Keluarga, Depok, Jawa Barat.

Rendra diperkirakan mengidap penyakit gagal ginjal sejak lama yang mengharuskannya untuk cuci darah. Namun, menurut penuturan dari salah seorang sahabatnya, Rendra diperkirakan terkena serangan jantung.

Teman dekat Mbah Surip ini adalah pendiri Bengkel Teater pada tahun 60-an. Ia lahir sekitar 74 tahun silam, yakni pada 7 November 1935 di Solo; Jawa Tengah. Ayahnya adalah seorang guru bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Jawa, sedangkan ibunya adalah seorang penari Srinti di keraton.

Rencananya, Rendra akan dimakamkan pada tempat yang sama dengan makam Mbah Surip, yakni di pekarangan belakang Bengkel Teater.

Dengan berpulangnya Rendra, tentu saja dunia seni dan budaya Indonesia akan merasa amat kehilangan. Ia merupakan seorang sastrawan dan budayawan berpengaruh. Ia banyak menulis sajak terkenal dan indah dalam bahasa Indonesia dan juga bahasa asing.

Kehilangan orang-orang besar dalam waktu yang cukup berdekatan, cukup membuat dunia berduka dalam.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Meaning of A Legend

For football world and lovers, the death of Sir Bobby Robson is a nightmare or a bad news they even did not want to hear before. But, a part of lifelines should be past. And, every mankind will be remembered and honored as an unforgettable history. Every step a man made can also be a valuable heritage for descendants. And, the dead man is next to be a lifetime legend.

"Why do we need a legend?" it may be a strange question to ask. But, involuntary we don't realize that we often notify some persons or some public figures to be our hero.

A legend could do things most people just intended on those. So, he would give other people - included us - a power to realize that dreams can come true. Or..., at least he would be the representation of our dreams. "If I were not there, he could be," perhaps this is what we're going to say someday - just so deep inside our soul.

A legend can someday be the power for several fans to strengthen their will & their faith in doing or reaching some objectives which are impossible for the most but not for their legend. Sir Bobby Robson was a kind of that man. He improved the skills of football not only as a player, but also as a coach (manager). His success as a player was completed by superb role as a football manager. It's proven by the noble he has received from British Empire as a Sir.

Jose Mourinho - Inter Milan present manager - told that he learned so many things of football's coaching clinic from Sir Bobby while he was becoming his translator in Barcelona CF. He also stated that Sir Bobby enthusiasm was always being the biggest for football. "The Special One" has become such present day because of Sir Bobby influences and experiences - as a player and even a manager.

A legend gave some people very well examples to reach a success and to believe in the ways that success would come. He could gave the examples not only from the speech, but also from the actions - things most of men could not give. So, without we really know where it will come from, a spirit of a legend will never let us down - if we always remember what he said and did: as long as we love him as a good man to feature.

Those are the reasons why a legend will never be forgotten by us.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Most people may think that business and all terms related to it, are the things which can degrade life's quality, such as health; happiness; even time to share with family. It can be both: true or false.

It's all depended on two basic things:
  • the way we look at the business, and
  • the way we practice the business
If you look at business as a terrible thing that can rob your happiness and time, it's gonna be like it forever - 'till you change your mindset. This is the main reason why most people in whole world don't choose business as their job. You may find many business men who've done this kind of job, because they were pushed or their ancestors were business men too. It's rare while university or hi-school graders have the first choice in career as business men.

If we act as business men like condemned people, it will be a disaster. It'll distinctly ruin your life. Most persons are unable to enjoy every single challenge in business. Meanwhile, the most interesting things of business are challenges. It won't become so incredible without them. So, why don't you have any reason to enjoy your business?

According to subject of this post, business is a real good factor to gain our life's quality, everybody's life's quality - as long as we look at the business in the positive ways.

First: please see business as a fun game, and biggest opportunity to have unlimited and large abundant income! Prophet Muhammad - if I'm not wrong - ever told us that 9 of 10 livelihood's gates are come from trading, or... business in other word. So, you must change your mindset/point of view to a positive way in facing business.

Second: if you're already becoming a business man, never tread your business as a disaster! Enjoy it as a part that enlightens your life, as your fuel! What about your spare time with family? Won't my business will destroy it? No, no, no! It's all just about your commitment.

I mean, if you promised your wife and children that weekend is for family only, you should do it. You can tell your business partner that you have private schedule which is unable to break. I think they'll understand. And..., I think you need a representative person for an unpredictable situation - if your business is a conventional kind. If your business is majority controlled by computers, I think there's no need to worry.

As long as you can realize those things, your life will be gained. You'll find your joy, and you can make your family members smiling.

PS: Simple things to talk is not always easy things to do.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Success needs you to be consistent. It's another main factor which will determine your success in business, and this is also one very difficult factor to do. Not everyone can accomplish it. Why is it so important?

Many ideas were executed while a businessman in action. Many times, they had a lot of power to do it in the beginning. The image and/or shadow of big profits was one step ahead to be reached - but it's not reached yet.

Then, the reef was coming. Some problems and barriers had just come. They blocked your way to succeed, and they made your fine image disillusioned. Your spirit would be decreased. And..., you might be lost in hopeless condition, because you felt it's too hard to face. Finally, every single point you planned and executed was stopped before it's finished. Or, often you will turn into the other direction. The next result can be guessed: your success image will be completely gone, and you'll be a loser.

In many case, little bad habits can also distort the consistency, such as weak intention; low resistance of hood's influence or temptation; and lack of confidence. However, no barrier may block you to be consistent to carry on. Every single plan you had executed must be finished.

Here the ways you can do to be a consistent person.
  • Focus on your main objective by remembering it every time a problem comes!
  • Strengthen your mentality by learning to be uneasy tempted by your hood - esp. if your hood is not conducive or supporting you to do the right thing!
  • Give a punishment to yourself every time you try to cross out of the line! For the example: you may fine yourself for a foul.
  • Remember the advantage of becoming consistent and the disadvantage of becoming inconsistent, and also the effect/impact to your business!
  • Learn as many as possible, because usually well-educated or hi-educated people are more consistent than others, because they will always have strong reasons to do something - though it's challenging the stream!
  • Never indulge yourself if it will distort your consistency only!
  • Learn to be on-time, then you'll be a more consistent person!
PS: Consistency is also main factor to be discipline. And..., never mind if you just make a small thing or action - as long as you can keep your consistency! It's better than nothing at all.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Today I sent an e-mail to Bank Mandiri customer service. I ask them if my debit card can be used to verify PayPal account or not. And..., a few hours later they sent a reply to me. They wrote that Mandiri Debit Card is not able to be used for verifying a PayPal account. It's the condition where they don't have any connection with PayPal that it makes possible to use a Mandiri Debit Card as verification tool.

It's their credit card only which can be used as verification tool.

Here is the citation of the message I received from Bank Mandiri on July 16th 2009:

Bapak Ammar Lelo Andiko A. A. yang terhormat,

Terima kasih atas email Bapak kepada Bank Mandiri

Perkenankan kami memberikan informasi bahwa kartu Mandiri Debit adalah alat penarikan tunai melalui ATM dan alat pembayaran untuk pembelanjaan di merchant-merchant berjaringan VISA/VISA Electron namun tidak dapat dipergunakan sebagai alat pembayaran transaksi on line melalui internet (Paypal) karena sifatnya menggunakan secara electronik (electronic use only). Bank Mandiri tidak menyediakan jasa atau kerjasama dalam hal bertransaksi melalui internet (Paypal) untuk kartu Mandiri Debit atau transfer melalui rekening. Namun apabila Bapak memiliki kartu kredit Mandiri VISA atau Master maka dapat dipergunakan untuk transaksi tersebut. Kami persilakan Bapak menghubungi langsung situs yang bersangkutan, dalam hal ini mengenai jenis kartu yang dapat digunakan untuk bertransaksi.

Demikian kami sampaikan, jika masih terdapat pertanyaan atau saran, Bapak dapat menghubungi kami kembali di alamat email ini atau Mandiri Call (layanan 24 jam) di nomor telepon (021) 5299 7777 atau 14000.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasama Bapak, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Salam hormat,

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.
Customer Care
Banking Contact Center

PS: The message came in Indonesian language. You may use Google Translate to translate it into English or your native language.


Bombers and/or suicide bombers are often hated by many people in this world because of their massive destruction and killing actions. Many innocent people had been becoming the victims. It's why their action has been worried.

But, do you ever know and realize that there is another kind of terrorist in this beautiful earth? It's a corruptor. It's a kind of man who is a real terrorist. "Why?" It's the big question.

Corruptors steal public's fund/money which would be used for common wealth. So, imagine whether the fund does not exist! There will be no wealth. The impacts are:
  • expansion of poverty and famine
  • the lag of establishment
  • the degradation of education and man quality/qualification
  • the weak law enforcement
If we analyze much further, we're gonna find out that corruption is much more dangerous than physical attack such bombing. Bombing is completely dangerous, but corruptors are much more dangerous. Corruption's impacts are not seen on the surface directly, but it will kill more people - because of no food; no nutrition; no health quality; and others.

In third world countries which popular with their corruption culture; like Indonesia, corruption is the main reason why the government failed to serve citizens as well as it should be. Corruption has become the reason why a nation has a big dependence to abroad's loan. And, the government will never be able to pay it.

Corruption is also the main factor that caused collapsed social structure, where the mentality of nation's youngsters fell down. There is no spirit to work hard. There is no self confidence to enlarge practice the creativity. They become more consumptive than they should be. They become snobbish, where they will see everything just from its physical attraction. If these all were happened, where will we bring the future of nation? Who will lead the nation in the future? And, can the nation exist for the next decade?

So, the conclusion is that the corruptors are the real terrorists. They deserve to be hung twice.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Many factors will determine business success. One of them is the confidence of business owners. Frequently, a businessman will give up to carry his business on because of loosing a faith; loosing his self-confidence.

It will be probably acceptable as a human being, but it's completely forbidden in business - whatever the kind of business you are creating. The impact is unacceptable. Why? Because you've lost a lot of money to build your business? It's right maybe. But, the worst impact you will take by stopping your business, is to loose the biggest chance(s) you might have. Many people say, "A chance will not come twice." It may be right.

So, never let your biggest idea(s) hung away in dreams without any realization! But, how to establish your confidence to carry your business on? That's the matter.

Here, we're going to find the solution out.

Each business has its own characteristics, of course - depending on what kind of business it is. Take an example that you have a culinary business! And..., you've already had a restaurant. But, in early days you open the restaurant, you've got a few customers only. Your capital is not paid back. It's loss. Then, you will be stressed.

Stress is a big factor to loose the faith or confidence. But, you may not loose your confidence. One important thing you should plant in your head is

to accept your loss

"Why should I do it?" you'll ask about it maybe. You have to do so, because it will make you feel better. Believe me! And, the reason you can use to reach the logic is

to take it as a good lesson/experience which will lead you into your success someday

It sounds easy, isn't it? But, it's quite hard to do. You have to learn it, and train yourself for it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The picture on the left side depicts the election result of Indonesia. It was taken from a national private TV station on 20.00 GMT +7. As you can see, the quick count - provided by LSI - shows that SBY is leading. He - as the incumbent - and his mate Budiono has been reaching the electoral threshold for president and vice-president election.

SBY-Budiono are leading up to 60%, leaving their other contenders: Mega-Pro and JK-Win. It's fulfilling the prediction before the election. Most analysts and survey institutions stated that this pair would win today's election.

The popularity of SBY-Budiono beyonds other two pairs. SBY as current president of RI comes from largest tribe in Indonesia: Javanese. His mate also comes from the same political area in Indonesia, called as Mataraman area. This ex. Bank of Indonesia's governor grew up in Blitar - the other city in East Java where SBY homebase town, Pacitan, lies.

SBY's political decision to take Budiono as his companion in this 2009 election, had become a controversy among Democrate Party's allies, because Budiono doesn't belong to one of them. He's a pure econom. But, it's proven - from this quick count - that SBY's decision has accomplished his mission to carry on his objectives as Indonesian number one.

Meanwhile, in a press conference a candidate for vice-president from Mega-Pro side, Prabowo Subianto, stated that today's election was full of cheats. He said the main factor came from DPT (lists of authorized voters) which didn't fit with the real voters datas in BPS (Bureau of Civil Statistic). He also alleged that the quick count methode is out of law and breaking the democracy. He's scare that there would be a grand design to meet public's opinion with certain candidate's win earlier.

However, it's not the official result of the election. The official result itself will be announced by KPU (Election Commission) in next days.


Michael Jackson a.k.a Jacko is a superstar. Because of it, his funeral is - on this morning at July 8th 2009 (in Indonesian time) - held with a huge honour. As I saw on TV, many people came to his funeral, and some famous persons gave the testimonies about his wonderful life.

They testified that Jacko had been a world legend. It's marked by a formal statement from US' House of Representative. Jacko is not only a legend for US, but also for the whole world. It's caused by his world and charity to entire world. His lifeline was spent not only for his own glory, but also for helping the weak people and others who needed help.

Jacko's contribution to the world is not only come from his music. He gave us the superb dance movements, and fascinating fashion style also. He is even gonna be bigger than Elvis maybe. And, many argues that he's in a level with The Beatles who has put the inspiration of music to the next generation.

Many stars came to Jacko's funeral - beside his family members. I saw Usher sang a song with an emotional feel. He was brought by the sadness of loosing one of world's legend - and also a friend. Jacko is on the right way to get those honours.

Bye, Michael a.k.a Mikaeel!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Mungkin Anda menyangka bahwa pria idaman wanita adalah yang:

* kaya, dan/atau
* tampan

Awalnya saya juga menilai bahwa kedua faktor tersebut adalah mutlak. Namun, saya terkejut dan agak berubah mind set setelah membaca sebuah artikel di internet - mengenai pria idaman para wanita.

Ternyata, menurut sebuah penelitian alias riset, sebagian besar wanita cenderung tidak akan memilih pasangan hidup berdasarkan dua kriteria tadi. (Terdengar sangat tidak masuk akal, kan?)


Nah! Ini dia penyebabnya:

  • Wanita takut memilih pria kaya sebagai pendamping hidup, karena pria jenis ini cenderung punya akses yang sangat mudah untuk berselingkuh. Ya...! Anda tahu sendiri lah: ada uang, ada barang.
  • Wanita juga takut memilih pria tampan sebagai teman hidup, karena pria dari golongan ini atraktif (memiliki daya pikat yang cukup kuat untuk menarik perhatian lawan jenis) sehingga juga rentan terpeleset oleh perselingkuhan - apalagi kalau imannya tak kuat. (Teman saya sering protes mengenai hal ini, "Bang! Imannya sih kuat, tapi Imran-nya yang nggak kuat." - He, he...! Bisa saja.)

Lalu..., pria seperti apa dong yang dimaui atau diidamkan oleh kebanyakan kaum Hawa?

Jawabannya: kebanyakan wanita akan lebih memilih pria "yang sedang-sedang saja, oh... yang sedang-sedang saja..." - kayak lagu Si Iwan.

Nah...! Itu dia masalahnya. Buat pria ngguuuanteeeng kayak saya ini. Cukup sulit untuk mendapatkan pacar - apalagi teman hidup. He, he! Sebabnya...? Karena saya: ngguuuanteeeng, Saudara-saudara ! Alhamdulillah!!! Tuhan Maha Adil.

PS: Buat Saudara-saudaraku yang lanang lan ngguanteng, mulai sekarang kurangilah kegantengan Anda itu sedikit! Ngg..., agar supaya memudahkan Anda daripada ngg... memperoleh daripada yang namanya cewek. He, he, he...!